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Events at St James

Our aim is to bring our church back to being at the heart of our community in Husborne Crawley.  To do this we need to raise funds to maintain the building and improve the facilities, and as well as holding services we want to stage events where everyone will feel welcome and enjoy our beautiful church.

Choral nova

Summer Concert

2pm Sunday 25th August
St James' Church Husborne Crawley

Please join us for an afternoon of music, cream teas and Pimm's as Choral nova, the choir that meets in the Reading Room each week, will be performing a variety of songs from around the world, from Mozart to Jazz and from Folk to Gospel.​


This concert is a celebration to mark the completion of our second year since formation.  Created by Lizzie Deane, Choral nova now has 70+ members and sings in multiple part harmonies to special arrangements produced by Lizzie.


This concert is also dedicated to the memory
of Lyn Lyman who passed away earlier this
year.  She was a member of the choir, the
church secretary and clerk to the parish
council.  A key part of our village,she will
be greatly missed.

Songs to be Performed:

Alleluia Air..........................J.S. Bach
A Gaelic Blessing..............John Rutter
El Vito.................................Spanish folk song
Where Is Love?..................Lionel Bart
Scarborough Fair...............Traditional English Ballad
J’Entends Le Moulin..........French Canadian folk
The Seal Lullaby.................Eric Whitacre
A Gospel Medley...............Traditional
Adiemus..............................Karl Jenkins
Gloria In Excelsis Deo........Antonio Vivaldi
Soave Sia Il Vento...............W.A. Mozart
A Jazz Medley.....................Jazz
Ave Verum Corpus.............W.A. Mozart
Zadok The Priest................G.F. Handel
Baba Yetu...........................Christopher Tin
You’ll Never Walk Alone...Rodgers & Hammerstein

Our aim for St James' is to bring it back to being at the centre of our community by keeping it as a place of worship, holding events and activities (such as this concert) and to preserve the 800 years of heritage in the building.  

Any proceeds from this event will go towards improving the amenities in the building.  At present we are collecting for proper toilet facilities and a kitchen.  The concert and the refreshments are free but any donations will help us in our quest.

Last time your generous donations helped us buy a much needed new heating system.  Thank you for your continued support!

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