The last event of 2019 was the annual treasure hunt. Unlike the previous year, this year we were blessed with glorious weather which no doubt helped boost participation, as did the hot drinks and mince pies prepared by the ladies from the committee. Around 45 people and animals took part and all had a great time.
We were dispatched with our lists of cryptic questions and found ourselves walking up School Lane, along Crow Lane and back via the woods and fields. Any unsuspecting residents must have wondered what was going on as we all peered into their gardens trying to solve the clues. After counting 26 elves in the woods and wondering what on earth lived down some large holes in the fields we were safely back at the RR for some more hospitality from the ladies in the kitchen.
The afternoon concluded with the winners being presented with their trophy and prize and everyone looking forward to the next year.
A big thank you to all who made it happen this year!
